This is a note to everyone who think that I can make an episode a day, hell no I can't. And if I tried it would turn out quite terrible, every episode you have seen was made in the last months, each episode took about a month each. Sorry to burst your bubble but the daily submissions is over, but do not fear! We are still at work for episode 7 as well as a special bonus cartoon and a Halloween episode that will be sumbitted to the Halloween contest. You can expect the Halloween episode to come out next week, but episode 7 may not be done for about a month. Some of you may be depressed by that, which to me is very cool cause you must obviously love our cartoons, don't worry we will be back. But be sure to keep an eye out for our bonus cartoons, they don't all have to stay in the mushrrom kingdom if you catch my drift.
P.S. The Halloween contest is very important to us, so please vote for us when we release it.
i liked bowser's kingdom 3 :3 in the next one can you make one where they make soup and they all die and stuff ROFL AND SMOKE DE JOINTIESSS!!! MWHAHAHAA!!! WTF IS ONEONTA?!!!?!? X3